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Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman! by Richard F. Feynman

Book Title : Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman!
Author Richard F. Feynman
Publisher : W. W. Norton & Company, New York
Editor Edward Hutchings
ISBN : 0-393-31604-1
Number of Pages 354 (covers included)
Achievements : New York Times Bestseller

Picture taken form Instagram: @huda.tnt


Many people think that scientist have a boring and static life, but this book will turn over that judgment. This book will change your perspective about the nobel laureate, Professor and scientists world. The adventure of a curious character  Mr. Feynman will inspire you to enjoy the life and learn more through this lifetime.

A little Feynman have an outstanding curiosity toward sciences, he has his own laboratory in his house, and in that time he is interested in radio more than anybody else. He trying to fix all the problem with radio. It turn out that he can solve so many problem in radio using his analytic thinking skill. Then becoming famous in his neighbourhood as "A child who can fixes the radios by thinking".

Then the adventure continues in his young age, Feynman always see something in different perspective and trying to solve every problem in a simple ways. His mind are trained to create something, to solve some problem, to build a system or a machine. But it not goes well, because in reality, people avoid the change. Even just a simple innovation that can effectively help their works, they don't have the courage to do the research.

In his university life Feynman are trying to be more sociable and enjoying his life with his friend. This is very interesting stories because he did many stupid things but also genius in someway.

After finishing his study in MIT, Feynman decided to went to Princeton for graduate school, of course because he want to see something new. His world are always messy and somewhat colorful. In this period, he tried to jump in different field of science, from physics, chemistry and biology. But in the end he still in love with physics.

Feynman also one of the chosen scientist in The Manhattan Project at Los Alamos. Working in Los Alamos is one of the most significant and worrying project for scientist in that time. But Feynman show us the funny and unexpected part of The Manhattan Project. How he is trying to express his hobby as a safecracker and somehow success to make his legend in Los Alamos.

Overall this book shows you not only the world of scientist but also how Feynman as a scientist see the world. What are Feynman's opinions about Sciences, Art, Music, Philosophy, and Education. This is one complete interesting books you must read.

Part of This Book I Love The Most

I love when Feynman playing this "a coin inside the glass trick" to the young waitress in a small cafe. That just too hilarious

This is the part in a certain restaurant in Boston, when Feynman came alone:
Just for fun, I left my tip, which was usually ten cents (normal for those days), in two nickels, under two glasses: I filled each glass to the very top, dropped a nickel in, and with a card over it, turned it over so it was upside down on the table. Then I slipped out the card (no water leaks out because no air can come in--the rim is too close to the table for that).

I put the tip under two glasses because I knew they were always in a hurry. If the tip was a dime in one glass, the waitress, in her haste to get the table ready for the next customer, would pick up the glass, the water would spill out, and that would be the end of it. But after she does that with the first glass, what the hell is she going to do with the second one? She can't just have the nerve to lift it up now!

On the way out I said to my waitress, "Be careful, Sue. There's something funny about the glasses you gave me-- they're filled in on the top, and there's a hole on the bottom!"

It turn out that all the water in two glasses spill out all over the place, and the waitress angry to Feynman.  


If you are young scientist, or may be someone who thought that you're stuck in sciences major and still can't get the idea of science, you have to read this book, it will show you how amazing science is. For all the learner and the curious minds out there, you have to peek in this book, because you will see how interesting life become if you stay curious and trying something new.

Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman! by Richard F. Feynman Rating: 4.9

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